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Illustrated White Cats

Acuerdo de ventas y salud




Cat / Kitten Sales Agreement & Health Guarantee



Buyer _______________________________________


Seller: TMZ Kittenz N Katz, Tamira Nickerson

~Effective and binding as of the date of the last signature to appear below~


Seller agrees to sell and buyer agrees to buy the cat/kitten described below pursuant to all of the following terms and conditions:


Description of animal:




Pedigree Registered:

Purchase Price:

Breeding Rights:

Holding/Reservation Fee: 

(The holding fee is a non-refundable amount placed to hold a certain kitten for the buyer. The holding fee is non-refundable but is transferable to any available kitten. Our goal is to place a kitten with his new family in a timely manner so that they may begin bonding. A change of mind may jeopardize the opportunity for said kitten to be placed at a desirable age. The holding fee is applied reducing the total price of the kitten.)


  1. The buyer will pay holding/reservation fee or the full amount upon selection of desired kitten or upon selection of pregnant queen to reserve a kitten. Seller will notify you of seniority of your reservation( 1st pick, 2nd pick, etc) This does not include any of the shipping or delivery costs. The holding/reservation fee is subtracted from the total purchase price of the kitten.

  2. All holding/reservation fees must be received by seller (and cleared bank if paying by check) before your selected kitten is considered and marked on website as reserved for buyer.

  3. Entire purchase price for selected kitten must be paid in full (and cleared the bank if paying by check) before the cat/kitten will leave our premises. The Buyer becomes owner of the cat/kitten Upon Seller Receiving “Payment in Full” and the buyer can take possession of the cat/kitten (upon kitten reaching appropriate age) per buyer arrangements or we can arrange shipping or delivery for additional charges. Delivery charges are not included in the price of your kitten.

  4. Buyer can arrange pick up of cat or kitten by a 2nd party or pet courier service by providing seller with written documentation, including the name of person or company that will pick up kitten along with the date and approximate time that they will arrive to pick up kitten. The person or company that picks up kitten must provide identification that matches the written documentation that buyer provided to seller.

  5. Cat/Kitten will come with an airline approved carrier of suitable size and a sample of food.

  6. If a cat or kitten is purchased without breeding rights, buyer understands that the cat or kitten will come spayed or neutered.

  7. Instructions to order pedigree from TICA will be sent to buyer by email after payment in full is received from buyer and clears the bank if paying by check.


Health Guarantee

  1. The cat/kitten will arrive healthy and microchipped with a record of vaccinations and deworming.

  2. A licensed veterinarian will provide a health certificate when necessary for airline or ground travel.

  3. Buyer agrees to take cat/kitten to their preferred licensed veterinarian with in 72 hours of taking possession of cat/kitten for a wellness checkup. (The Buyer understands that the transition from seller will cause cat/kitten stress)

  4. If within 1 year of purchase date a licensed veterinarian certifies that the cat/kitten is unfit due to a congenial malformation which adversely affects the animal, the Buyer agrees to provide the Seller with documentation from a licensed veterinarian and allow the seller the opportunity to provide a replacement cat/kitten or a refund of the price of the cat/kitten less the holding fee.

  5. Your kitten will arrive spayed or neutered if not purchased with breeding rights. Please follow any medical instructions provided to continue care for the incision area.

  6. If your cat/kitten becomes ill please contact us immediately and before you take cat/kitten to the vet. Please be careful using emergency vet hospitals as they are revenue driven and sometimes unnecessary. Sometimes we can provide simple at home remedies. If you panic and take your cat to the emergency hospital you may have to assume all cost depending on the diagnosis.

  7. Any expenses for emergency medical health care due to illness within 15 days of receipt of cat/kitten will be paid by seller at the discretion of the seller upon prior approval through email or text message or phone call. Any and all expenses paid by seller will not exceed the purchase price of the cat or kitten less the Reservation Fee/Deposit.

  8. Health Guarantee becomes null and void for any of the following reasons:

    1. If more than one veterinary procedure is performed at one time. Ex spay/neuter, rabies, vaccinations with boosters, de-clawing.

    2. If cat/kitten is not kept indoors or allowed to roam freely outside.

    3. If cat or kitten is abused or neglected in any manner.

  9. The Buyer understands that the transition from seller will cause cat/kitten stress. Buyer agrees to give the cat/kitten ample time to adjust to    new environment realizing that it takes different animals different times to adjust.    

  10. Buyer agrees that the cat/kitten will not be surrendered to any type of shelter or organization for any reason, sold and/or given to pet shop or be neglected or abused in any manner. If for any reason buyer is unable to keep or care for cat or kitten at any point, buyer agrees to contact seller and arrange to surrender cat or kitten back to seller. If any buyer does not adhere to terms of this contract seller has the right to retrieve cat/kitten without providing a refund.


El britƔnico de pelo corto es un estudio de redondez. Tiene una cabeza grande y redonda, ojos redondos y patas redondeadas. Incluso su cola tiene una punta redondeada. Alguna vez fue conocido como el Azul BritƔnico porque solo existƭa en ese color, pero hoy en dƭa su abrigo corto y lujoso viene en muchos colores y patrones diferentes. TambiƩn existe una variedad de pelo largo, llamada British Longhair. Excepto por su pelaje, el britƔnico de pelo largo es igual que el britƔnico de pelo corto.


Un britƔnico de pelo corto es un compaƱero digno, inteligente y afectuoso. Generalmente no es un gato faldero, pero querrƔ estar a tu lado en el sofƔ o al menos cerca. Las mujeres tienden a tener un comportamiento serio, mientras que los hombres son mƔs despreocupados. Estos gatos tranquilos se llevan bien con los perros y son tranquilos con los niƱos, pero no les gusta que los carguen. EnseƱe a los niƱos a tratarlos con respeto y a jugar con ellos en el suelo.

El britƔnico de pelo corto es grande, pero no deberƭa estar gordo. Vigile su ingesta de alimentos para asegurarse de que no se vuelva obeso. Anƭmelo a perseguir juguetes con caƱas de pescar o plumas de pavo real para hacer ejercicio.


Cepille o peine el pelaje del britĆ”nico de pelo corto dos o tres veces por semana para mantener el pelo suelto al mĆ­nimo. TendrĆ”s que cepillarlo con mĆ”s frecuencia en la primavera, cuando se quita el abrigo de invierno. CĆ³rtale las uƱas segĆŗn sea necesario y mantĆ©n sus orejas limpias.

El britƔnico de pelo corto se adapta bien a cualquier hogar con personas que lo amen. Mantenlo dentro de casa para protegerlo de los coches, las enfermedades transmitidas por otros gatos y los ataques de otros animales.


El gato de Cheshire era sin duda un britĆ”nico de pelo corto. Estos gatos sonrientes disfrutan de la atenciĆ³n, normalmente son tranquilos, pero ocasionalmente tienen estallidos de actividad enloquecida antes de volver a convertirse en su amigo afectuoso y digno. Se llevan bien con los niƱos y con los perros que admiten gatos.

Los britĆ”nicos de pelo corto son tranquilos y poco exigentes. Los machos son personas grandes y tranquilas, con un carĆ”cter despreocupado pero con un aire natural de mando. Las mujeres son mĆ”s serias. Ambos sĆ³lo quieren estar con su gente, no necesariamente en un regazo o que los carguen, sino junto a ellos o en la misma habitaciĆ³n que ellos. Sin embargo, una cosa que la mayorĆ­a de los britĆ”nicos no son son los gatos falderos. PreferirĆ­an sentarse a tu lado o acurrucarse a tus pies que acurrucarse en tu regazo. A los britĆ”nicos de pelo corto no les gusta que los carguen y lo toleran con las piernas rĆ­gidamente estiradas para alejarte. TambiĆ©n detestan que los besen, pero presionar la cabeza es aceptable y aceptan caricias con gran entusiasmo y poderosos ronroneos de agradecimiento. Si no estĆ”s en casa, estarĆ”n satisfechos con entretenerse hasta que regreses. Este no es un gato muy activo. No lo encontrarĆ”s encima del frigorĆ­fico, sino sĆ³lidamente en el suelo. Es inteligente y disfrutarĆ” tener juguetes con los que jugar, especialmente si son interactivos.


Puede que sea relajado, pero el britƔnico de pelo corto es inteligente. Desafƭa su cerebro y mantenlo interesado en la vida enseƱƔndole trucos y proporcionƔndole juguetes tipo rompecabezas que lo recompensarƔn con golosinas cuando aprenda a manipularlos.

Elija siempre un gatito de un criador que crĆ­e camadas en el hogar y las cuide desde una edad temprana. AsegĆŗrese de preguntar acerca de los padres para asegurarse de que tengan buen temperamento.

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